Zim Lines
(Zim Israel Navigation Co.)


Click for a view of the interior as well as of a brochure with exterior and interior photos of the Zim liners
Sailings January-December 1954 (issued January 1, 1954)
Vessel(s) Ports of call
Artsa Haifa, Limassol (most voyages), Naples, Marseilles.
Limassol omitted on return voyages.
Negbah 1) Haifa, Limassol (occasionally), Naples, Marseilles

2) Haifa, Genoa, Marseilles

Jerusalem 1) Haifa, Naples, Marseilles

2) Haifa, Genoa, Marseilles

Sailings March-October 1954 (issued February 19, 1954)
Vessel(s) Ports of call
Jerusalem Haifa, Piraeus, Malta, Ceuta, Halifax, New York.
Halifax and Malta omitted on return voyages.

Sailings February 1957-January 1958 (issued April 1957)
Vessel(s) Ports of call
Haifa, Naples, Malaga (most voyages), Gibraltar (most voyages), Ceuta (a few voyages), New York.
Return voyages: New York, Madeira (a few voyages), Gibraltar (most voyages), Naples, Piraeus (a few voyages), Haifa.
Theodor Herzl Haifa, Naples (most voyages) or Genoa, Marseilles.
A few voyages returned directly to Haifa.

Click for larger view
Sailings January-December 1959 (issued December 1958)
Vessel(s) Ports of call
Haifa, Piraeus (a few voyages), Naples, Palma (most voyages), Gibraltar, Halifax (a few voyages), New York.
Return voyages: New York, Gibraltar, Palma (a few voyages), Naples (a few voyages), Piraeus (most voyages), Haifa.

Click for a view of the back cover
Sailings August 1961-April 1962 (issued August 3, 1961)
Vessel(s) Ports of call
Theodor Herzl
1) Haifa, Limassol, Naples, Marseilles.
2) Haifa, Genoa, Marseilles.
Return voyages: Marseilles, Naples, Limassol (many voyages), Haifa.
Moledet Haifa, Limassol, Naples (a few voyages) or Genoa (most voyages), Marseilles.
Return voyages: Marseilles, Naples, Limassol (many voyages), Haifa.

Click for views of the interior
Sailings January-August 1966 (issued January 1966)
Vessel(s) Ports of call
Shalom Haifa, Genoa, Cannes, Lisbon, New York.
Return voyages: New York, Lisbon, Piraeus, Haifa.
Additional ports of call on other return voyages: Barcelona, Palma, Cannes and Naples.
Haifa, Naples, Barcelona, Ponta Delgada, New York.
Return voyages: New York, Ponta Delgada, Barcelona, Piraeus, Haifa.


See the archives section for more brochures of Zim Lines.
See also the shipping in 1971 section.


Zim Lines fleet information, history etc. on the following website:


You may use my images on another website.
Then please credit them as being from the collection of Björn Larsson,
and preferably provide a link to my Introduction page.
Thank you!

This page last updated June 22, 2019.