Tor Line


Click for a view of the interior
Sailings October 1968-May 1969
Vessel(s) Ports of call
Tor Anglia Gothenburg, Amsterdam, Immingham, Gothenburg
Tor Hollandia Gothenburg, Immingham, Amsterdam, Gothenburg

Sailings 1972
Vessel(s) Ports of call
Tor Anglia
Tor Hollandia
1) Gothenburg, Immingham
2) Gothenburg, Amsterdam
3) Immingham, Amsterdam

Click for larger view including the back cover
Sailings April-September 1979
Vessel(s) Ports of call
Tor Britannia
Tor Scandinavia
1) Gothenburg, Felixstowe
2) Gothenburg, Amsterdam
3) Gothenburg, Newcastle (early June-early Sep only)


See the archives section for more brochures of Tor Line.
See also the shipping in 1971 section.


See also DFDS (DFDS Tor Line) in the archives section.


Fakta om Fartyg/Facts about Ships has a page on Tor Line with photos and other details of its ships.


The Simplon Postcards website has a page on the history of Tor Line with many postcards/photos.


Kommandobryggan (The Bridge) has many photos of Tor Line's ships, including its history (in Swedish).

You may use my images on another website.
Then please credit them as being from the collection of Björn Larsson,
and preferably provide a link to my Introduction page.
Please also respect the copyright provisions as given below.
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This page last updated August 27, 2023.