SWAL - Scandinavian West Africa Line
(Operated by Transatlantic, Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab and Fearnley & Eger)


Established after WW2. Transatlantic was responsible for the daily management of the line.

Sailings January-December 1958
Vessel(s) Ports of call

Det Bergenske Dampskibsselskab:

Fearnley & Eger:

Gothenburg, Oslo, Antwerp, Bordeaux, "ports within Pointe-Noire/Lobito range" (Pointe-Noire, Matadi, Boma, Ambrizete, Ambriz, Luanda, Porto Amboim, Novo Redondo, Lobito)

(According to the route map in the 1960 SWAL brochure mentioned below, ports of call for the "West Africa - Southern Route" were: Scandinavian ports, Antwerp, Bordeaux, Freetown, Boma, Matadi, Pointe-Noire, Luanda, Lobito, Novo Redondo, Porto Amboim, Luanda, Boma, São Tomé, Principe, Freetown, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Scandinavian ports.)

Click to view a 1960 SWAL brochure with interior views of the ships

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This page last updated April 7, 2009.